Intergenerational Project
In Loving Memory of our friend
Willie Mc Keever.
We were saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Willie last weekend.We enjoyed all our chats and activities with him during our visits to St.Olivers.We were delighted to form a guard of honour and pay our respects to Willie at his funeral mass today.May he rest in eternal peace.
Monday 13th January
We were delighted to get back to visit our friends in St.Olivers after our Christmas break. We organised a table quiz which was keanly contested!!! We sang 'Yellow Submarine' and 'He's got the whole world in his hands' and everyone joined in! Another great morning at St.Olivers. Thank you to all the parents who sent in unwanted gifts which we can use as prizes or presents for our friends in St.Olivers.
Monday 16th December
Santa joind us on our visit to St. Olivers this morning and we gave out ninety presents to our older friends. We sang lots of Chirstmas carols and everyone was in a party mood ! We hope all our friends in St. Olivers have a very happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing them all in 2020!!
Monday 25th November
We organised an art & craft activity for our friends in St.Olivers this morning. Look at the lovely frames they made !! We played bingo too and they were delighted with their prizes. To finish our session we sang two songs 'Michael Finnegan' and 'Michael Row your boat ashore'. It was another fun filled morning & we look forward to returning before Christmas to see all our friends in St. Olivers.
Monday 4th November, 2019.
We were back to St.Olivers again just after our midterm break. We were joined by the fabulous Castlebellingham Ukelele Group. They played lots of tunes and sang lots of songs which were enjoyed by our older friends in St.Olivers and by Ms. Rafferty's class. We love our visits to St.Olivers!
Monday 14th October, 2019.
We were delighted to return to St. Olivers to meet our older friends this morning. They were thrilled to see us too!! We organised a table quiz for them. They were all very competitive!! The three top teams were the 'Sunflowers', the 'Avengers' and the 'Champions'. They were delighted with their prizes. We sang three songs for them too. They clapped and sang along with us. Our visits are making a difference and we are bringing a little sunshine into their lives.
23rd September, 2019.
Ms. C. Rafferty's 5th class made their 1st visit to St. Olivers today. They were both excited and nervous. They settled in very well and made lots of new friends in St. Olivers. They completed a questionaire and learned lots about their new friends. They also performed a number of songs much to the delight of the residents and day care visitors in the hospital. Thanks to Petrina, Lisa, Anne & Kay for their help this morning. We are very grateful to the Dundalk Society for Older Persons & Underprivileged Children who have generously sponsored our project again this year.